Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The New Star Trek: A Future Nerd Blockbuster

Today the Internet was all abuzz with talk about the upcoming Star Trek movie. I must say that when we saw the preview before Watchmen, I was definitely intrigued. And this might be why:

Reason 1: The Younger Hotter Captain Kirk

First of all, this is how little I know about Star Trek. I couldn't for the life of me remember the name of this dude... Kurt, Ken, Kirby? Ahh yes, Captain Kirby. There is no arguing that the new Captain is a hot piece of ass compared to the original version.

Reason 2: The Star Trek Movie Website

It's not good that 5 minutes on the Star Trek movie website turned me into a full fledged Star Trek nerdling. I mean, hot damn, you can look at models of the Enterprise, pretend you are actually in the Starship, watch previews, and even put your own face on Spock in the mosaic section. I came seconds away from adding a Star Trek skin to this here fancy blog of ours.

Starship Models

Reason 3: An Excuse to Master the Vulcan Salute

So the movie comes out May 8th. Heidi, that gives us a solid month to really get down the Vulcan Salute AND track down some spock ears which we obviously have to wear to the movie theater. Plus, we can continue to use said ears should we go larping as elves or during D&D battles at Elman's house.

Look at this Rabbi throw down the Vulcan, we certainly have a lot of work to do.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. http://holycrapthatsfunny.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/geek_child.png

  3. Okay, that has to be considered child abuse. You know if Elman ever has a kid (I shudder at the thought), that's going to be him, haha.
