Heidi and I weren't just going to sit around and not experience this nerd spectacle, so we have created our own bracket, completely based on outfits and mascots... and of course the hotness of the men. Yeah, we missed the parts before the Sweet Sixteen Battle, but we just didn't have enough time to fairly judge all the team's color coordination and ratio of hot players to ugly ones.
After our intense analysis, we decided to pick the Syracuse Oranges for ultimate victory in this epic battle. I mean look at that fat little bastard, his athletic prowess and orange glow is guaranteed to win this for us. Otto the Orange is everything we wish we could be, round and....
Make sure you look here for updates on our progress. This crusade continues on until April 6th when we will be sure to be given the first place blue nerd ribbon.
After our intense analysis, we decided to pick the Syracuse Oranges for ultimate victory in this epic battle. I mean look at that fat little bastard, his athletic prowess and orange glow is guaranteed to win this for us. Otto the Orange is everything we wish we could be, round and....
"For the record, Lauren, I picked the Boilermakers because of their supergay mascot. My people have to stick together, you know? But I decided to let you pick the Oranges (or whatever) as the Ultimate Basketballing Champions (UBC) because at least we're still rooting for a fruit." -HeidiGranted, those tight little shorts almost won it for them Heidi but Otto isn't even wearing any pants. So just you watch us sports nerds, we don't need any useless stats, or rosters... or to have ever even watched this thing you call basketball. We feel one with this orange.

UPDATE 3/27:
Well forget April 6th, Heidi and I are so good at bracketing, that we are done already. Oh that's right, with 20% accuracy, we now declare ourselves psychics. Our fat orange friend has forsaken us, and failed... miserably. You know, I don't blame the fact that we didn't consult statistics, or read up on the Orange coaching. I truly blame US for completely overlooking the heinous outfits these guys were sporting, all because that damn orange and his no pants distracted us.
They are wearing bright orange sweatbands for godsake. Well, we live and learn. Next year I'm sure we'll be better, right Heidi? All you pantsless mascots better check yourselves.
The Final Tally:
Lauren's right... when given a choice, I always go with no pants over tight pants.
ReplyDelete.... I'm just sayin'
Someone should explain to the "oranges" (or whatever) that in fashion there is something to be said about subtlety- isn't another one of their colors navy blue? seriously.
ReplyDeletewe never should have rooted for orange shoelaces, lauren. next year, i'm getting final approval over all below-the-knee fashion
ReplyDeleteIt's true, next year we have to be far more critical and not be wooed by a pantsless orange. However I don't know if we can live down supporting an orange and navy blue outfit.