Monday, February 9, 2009

Fail Versus Win

Today I introduce an important part of Internet terminology: FAIL. Used to describe an action that is so completely unsuccessful it just might imply awesomeness, I can tell you the nerd world has led me to a lot of fail.

Fail #1: A Dungeon & Dragons Rap

We larp on the first date too right Heidi? Mmm... RPG based fantasies

Fail #2: My Search History for the Week

Watermelon boobs... uhhh, yeah. It's no good if THAT isn't the most embarrassing search query.

And no I didn't black out an entry because I was searching for porn. PLEASE... I don't have to search for porn at work when I come across jewels like this on the daily:

Fail #3: Yay! Porn!

Seriously? A free lifetime membership? You don't want a lifetime of what is going on downtown on that horse. Does he look amused? I didn't think so.

Fail #4: And then sometimes fail reaches such impossible heights that we just have pure, unadulterated WIN:

Hell yes that is a boffing axe!
Thanks to Cavedweler, The Boffer, Deathklaw and Ms. Awesome Goth Boots on this one.


  1. oh shit lauren, you beat me to it with the boffing "success." i've got some other good boffing pics that i'll post soon. do you like how i said "good" and "boffing pics" in the same sentence?

    and dude. WoW can suck it. i am sooo sick of being eaten by dogs. and bats. i'm still only a level 4. but i can breathe under water... so.. i guess there's that.

  2. By the way (btw, if you're a tool): is Ms. Awesome Goth Boots anyone I know? Our Lady of the Night(Shift), perhaps? and if so, are you sure those Goth Boots aren't actually Rubber Rain Boots?

  3. Haha, yes it is Our Lady of the Night... your nickname is WAY better.. I was too tired to think of something good. Apparently there was a debate on her boots and it came down to that, lol. UM, we have to play WoW together, I must see your skills :)

  4. Dude, you brain broke a long time ago.
