Monday, February 23, 2009

A Nerd Red Carpet Fashion Critique

The peak of celebrity fashion occurred last night with The Emmys. The best part of this award show was of course making fun of the people who made heinous fashion faux pas on the Red Carpet. Fashion faux pas you say?

Okay, okay, it isn't all bad. Some of these girls even look good... for larper standards that is. But just when you feel optimistic, things get ugly, really ugly.

Critique #1: When you are matching your scales to your beard? BAD.

Critique #2: When you are matching your sweatshirt to your dog? EXTRA BAD.

Critique #3: When your dog no longer resembles a dog because you've larped the hell out of him? There are no words to describe what crimes you have committed.

1 comment:

  1. EXTRA EXTRA bad? the fact that I have watched that video totally independently of you, Lauren. Seriously.

    BTW (damn it), the logo? I believe you mean (and yeah, I checked, .aw is Aruba)
