I never really thought much about April 1st. In elementary school, April Fools meant breaking out the whoopie cushion, but I figured in our adult world, we had moved on.
However, being the mischievous little vermin that they are, nerds the world over have adopted this day to wreak havoc on the rest of us. Not physical havoc.. obviously... but with the one weapon they can truly use against us, the Internet.
Companies infested with nerds like Google and Expedia decided to get a little creative. How about flipping YouTube upside down so the poor non-nerds were led to panic.
However, being the mischievous little vermin that they are, nerds the world over have adopted this day to wreak havoc on the rest of us. Not physical havoc.. obviously... but with the one weapon they can truly use against us, the Internet.
Companies infested with nerds like Google and Expedia decided to get a little creative. How about flipping YouTube upside down so the poor non-nerds were led to panic.

Or the Conficker worm, set to bring down the Internet on April 1st. Most definitely created by some nerds in Russia to piss us normal humans off when all we want to do is order some Pizza Hut online.
The most confusing of all this April Foolery is something called The Rick Roll. Used as an April Fool's joke in 2008 by YouTube, one is linked to a horrifying video of some dude named Rick Astley crooning "Never Gonna Give You Up."

Yeah, it's a horrible song from the 80's but I believe the true injustice of sending someone this link is subjecting them to this king of the nerds. Just look at him, I would have an easier time believing Elman as an 80's pop star... as I'm pretty sure spandex and neon colors would come naturally to him.

Did you really just say /Ahhhh! ???
As far as RickRolls go, this one is far more entertaining:
But Rick dances so suavely! How can you NOT enjoy it? And the ninja bartender is teh bomb. ^_^