Saturday, April 11, 2009

To the Comic Book Store!

Being the wonderful friend/enabler that she is, Heidi both found the local comic book store as well as accompanied me on our Saturday adventure there. The journey was long and arduous, our mix of excitement and shame weighing us down, as our main objective was to greet a bonafied comic book writer in the flesh.

When we arrived, we were surprised how normal this promised land appeared wedged within a run of the mill strip mall. But then we stepped inside...

OH MY GOD, WE HIT THE MOTHERLOAD!! From floor to ceiling, we were bombarded with action figure, comic book and graphic novel goodness. To the left, Star Wars comics, to the right, Watchmen barbie, and straight ahead, the key to my heart.

I have no qualms in admitting I'm a Buffy the Vampire Slayer fangirl. But little did I know there is a massive comic book series that continues where the show left off. You may now congratulate me on my first ever comic book purchase. I chose carefully, because I know this sucker is going to be worth millions in a few years. Look at the detail in those Pomeranians. Unfortunately it took me about 2 minutes in the car to rip that plastic sleeve right off and ravage those colorful Buffy filled pages.

Also included in my purchase were two beautiful D&D dice. Heidi, do you think it would be too much to turn these into earrings? Elman would be SO jealous.

And just when I thought my shopping spree had ended, the Star Wars PocketModel Trading Card Game caught my eye. Whilst also intrigued by the stack of Magic Cards, these unknown cards screamed for more research. Alright, I will fess up, it was Hayden Christiansen on the front that really made the sale. But best of all, when I got home I realized not only were there nerd cards, but also a little ship building kit. Hell yes I was excited, look at my wonderful creations.

I am truly a nerd craftsman now. Sadly the comic book signing we had anticipated is not happening until May 2nd, or free comic book day. And by sadly I mean hot damn! This is a national comic book holiday where comic book stores around the country give out free comic books. Watch out nerd world, Heidi and Lauren will be there bright and early.

Comic Book Ink
1625 East 72nd and Portland ave.Suite 800
Tacoma, WA 98404


  1. DUDE! You went to CBI! That place is awesome. You two better make it to Free Comic Book Day May 2.

  2. Dude, Lauren... We had some killer adventures this week (CBI, DQ, non-existent Dominoes). I'm SO DOWN for free comic book day! I haven't started my new graphic novel yet, but the very helpful nerd at CBI gave it such a glowing review, I know I won't be disappointed. I just hope it has pomeranians in it.

    Good luck at work this week. I'm OUT!

  3. Dude Lauren,
    You gotta hit up the Game Matrix sometime. Let me know when you want to spend a few hours at Game Matrix or the fantastic Korean internet cafe down off of South T. I'll sum it up for you: 3 hours of classic starcraft, break for pho next door, 3 more hours of classic starcraft. Sweeeeet

  4. DUDE... I am apparently quite the dude. Um, yeah, Free Comic Book Day and Game Matrix have definitely been put on the calendar.
