Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Link of the Day: The Black Nerd

Today's link of the day is: http://www.blacknerdcomedy.com/. The owner of this website is a comedian, Andre Meadows, who is attempting to break the mold of the typical nerd. You know, the pasty white guy with thick glasses, ill fitting clothes, and that twinkle of crazy in his eye. At first glance, one would guess that this Andre fellow is a "normal" as he lacks all the telltale signs of nerd. But then you delve further and he reveals his penchant for donning his man size Scooby Doo costume and his expansive knowledge of video games.

He even goes so far as to create an ode to the Konami Code, something of video game legend. For those hardcore nerds, the Konami Code brings them back to the 80's when this sacred gift to the nerds emerged. The code let players cheat in difficult games created by Konami like Contra by giving the player 3 times the number of lives. All one had to do was pause the game and input a sequence of buttons. And so the lazy nerds multiplied in number. Thanks Konami, I full well intend to sue you for creating Elman.

Make sure to check out the Black Nerd's website where he has videos, a blog and even movie reviews. He may have turned into a full blown nerd but at least he's entertaining, which is more than I can say for some nerds. Yes Elman, I'm looking at you.

1 comment:

  1. Someone did their research on the Konami Code. Bravo.

    This guy's still got nothing on Urkel, though.
