Just think about it. A towel can be a blanket, twisted up it can be an ass whipping weapon, worn over one's head it can filter out nerd stink, or it can be used as a white flag when the aliens come to probe you. That's right, I just saved your life.
Just think about it. A towel can be a blanket, twisted up it can be an ass whipping weapon, worn over one's head it can filter out nerd stink, or it can be used as a white flag when the aliens come to probe you. That's right, I just saved your life.
2) A Dungeon and Dragon's Dungeon Master Outfit
Elman claims to be a Dungeon Master yet he really lacks the outfit to back it up. So in order to get his nerd legions to respect him just a smidgen more, we bestow the following:
Scratch that, this is far more applicable to the situation.
You should see Heidi feverishly knitting away, an Elman sized bag over head is no small task people.
3) Cat Love
If there is one thing you need to know about Elman, it's that he hates cats. Quite similarly with women, he just hasn't met one that doesn't go screaming around the room, trying to claw its way to an escape route. Well, have we found the cat for Elman.
Elman needs someone who will unconditionally love him besides his mother. Sure it's in exchange for food and its coming in the form of an obese cat, but beggars can't be choosers.
4) Joker Art
Each contestant is judged in three categories: beauty, talent and personality. From my research (don't you mock me), Klingons are a warrior clan and one of their many talents is being busty, as seen below. They are also complete bitches and will rip your head off just to get to that crown... although I suppose that isn't too different from beauty queens in general. When the 2007 Miss Klingon Empire was interviewed about passing on her crown she stated: “I’ll cut the head off the new winner, and then I’ll have two crowns and a trophy.” Don't mess with this lady, she has the crazy in her eyes... and is definitely going to eat that guy behind her.
Other highlights of the pageant include celebrity judges like George Takei who played Hiraku Sulu on the Star Trek television series. You'll be thrilled to know that registration is still open, and if anything, you should go just to hear the Master of Ceremonies sing "Miss Klingon" and "She's a Klingon". Or you could just watch the first 2 minutes of this video and save yourself the horror of finding yourself permanently wedged in that Klingon bosom.