Monday, May 4, 2009

Happy Star Wars Day

I can only assume that today's holiday is little known because it is overshadowed by all the booze buying necessary for the preparation of tomorrow's Cinco de Mayo. So it is my job to alert you to the fact that May 4th is semi-official Star Wars Day and that you better recognize.

How this holiday doesn't get me a paid day off from work, I don't know. With its motto: "May the Fourth be with you" (get it? get it?), this may very well be the pinnacle of all nerd holidays. While there are no official activities, I know in my heart that nerds the world over are gathering in their mother's basements, watching all six digitally remastered movies, holding brief intermissions to reenact battles with their plastic light saber glowsticks, and after the Mountain Dew wears off, crying silently into the fuzzy bellies of their stuffed Chewbacca dolls.

Meanwhile George Lucas is crying into his $3.9 billion net worth because he only got laid twice today. What a pathetic bastard.