Monday, May 25, 2009

Happy Towel Day!

Poor Memorial Day, it just had to fall on the ever more popular Towel Day, a nerd holiday celebrated every May 25th. This day not only honored all our military, but also the creation of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and it's author Douglas Adams.

The holiday is no Star Wars day, however you do get to walk around town holding a towel signifying your respect and remembrance for the book and author without looking crazy. Oh wait...

If you haven't read The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, mostly because my scathing review a couple months back scared you off, basically all you need to know is that if you happen to get lost in space, you better have a towel in hand. Don't roll your eyes at me, you know it's going to happen.

Just think about it. A towel can be a blanket, twisted up it can be an ass whipping weapon, worn over one's head it can filter out nerd stink, or it can be used as a white flag when the aliens come to probe you. That's right, I just saved your life.

Towel Day - Don't Panic


  1. Almost two years... Sad to think it's been that long. I think the office has just sapped all the fun out of the lot of us.

  2. Super sad! I think it might be time to bring back the fun times and the mocking. Mostly the mocking. And did I notice we have our own Facebook page now? Wow!
