Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Ultimate Nerd Girls

This morning, the nerds and I took The Nerd Test in unison. And you know what is tragic!? I scored higher than someone I assumed MUST be nerdier than I. So then Elman, always one to upstage me, introduced the *true* nerd test:

And again, I managed to score higher than assumed nerd. Freaking X-Files and Buffy the Vampire Slayer dragging me down. Well that, and wanting the 100 sided dice because that just sounds amazing. SIGH. I'm glad I will see you tomorrow Heidi, I am losing it.

Well, I have discovered there are quite a few nerd girls out there, who would far surpass my 16% rating of geek. They might even surpass Elman's 90% rating, and the overnight shift's 95% nerd god shift manager. And here they are:

The Ninja Turtle Girl

Geek Girl

So this Geek Girl is TOTALLY Elman's soulmate. So you don't waste 10 minutes of your life listening to her nerd ramblings, some quotes:

Referring to D&D 3rd Generation "Like they got rid of thaco, because it was too complicated. Maybe I'm wrong but I think as a roleplayer we are supposed to feel a certain kind of pride in the intimate knowledge of these complicated and elaborate rule systems."
(Thaco stands for To Hit Armor Class 0 in D&D, we won't delve further at this time. I am too distracted by the fact that this woman has used intimate and pride in the same sentence with roleplaying.)

Giving a tour of her office: "And on my desk.. you'll find a bag of dice."

And then she call electronics "sexy" but sadly she is referring to Mac products. AWHH... just when you thought Elman might find a live breathing girl he has something in common with. But wait! All hope is not lost:

The Granny Geek

Girl Power!

1 comment:

  1. Is it any surprise that I've conversed with the "Ninja Turtle Girl" in the past...? AND have never seen that video clip?
