Friday, January 16, 2009

The Cake of All Cakes

So despite our extreme dislike of Elman, we still got him a birthday cake. Mostly because of the cake aspect: Cake plus nerdy bane of our existence still equals CAKE!:

SIDE NOTE: I apologize to the hopeful D&D baker at Fred Meyers. I know you were really excited to meet your D&D soul mate coming to retrieve this cake masterpiece, but in reality I don't want to know about your Sunday D&D afternoons, nor do I want you visualizing me in the slutty outfit that I have been bestowed in this D&D world. If you would like to visualize slutty Elman however, that can be arranged.... that armor is removable right Wes? Oh man, I just vomited in my mouth a little... scratch that, A LOT.

And to Heidi: I am so sorry I have abandoned you on blog day #2 of our maiden voyage to nerdity, however I will be spending all weekend plotting how to crash Elman's D&D party. We know Elman is a elitist nerd, but dammit when we show up with our elfish mage battlestar galactica luke skywalker figurines, he won't be able to deny us entry. Oh yes Elman, prepare to bow down, guess who is going to be Dungeon Master 2.0....


  1. Is your math faulty or is mine? Shouldn't it be cake PLUS nerdy bane of existence?

  2. Ahh yes... good call, I need a math tutor, haha. I changed it, thanks for the edit. :)

  3. Who in the office has any proficiency in math?

  4. That is like the best cake ever... even if it was wasted on someone like Failman.

  5. Together Elman and I will take over the world of Forgotten Realms.

    Prepare your d20!
