I have been saying to Lauren for a week now that I would get my blog on post haste... and where have I been? Waiting for inspiration. And then it hit me: porn. So as to be discreet about our jobs, I won't say much other than Lauren and I... we see porn at work. Lots of Porn -- so much that it deserves capitalization. Porn. We see so much porn that I know, though my back is to her, just which site it is Lauren has stumbled upon for the thousandth time based on the particular yelp it incites... "Damnit!" or "NO!!!!" means I spin around in my chair to see an old favorite on Lauren's screen every time. Today I saw something horrible (I'd love to share the domain, but I don't think we are looking for the kind of traffic that might promote). I squealed and my hand flew up to cover my screen while I searched blindly for that tiny little bubble that would close my browser... ah relief... Lauren, having spun around in her chair (see, it's not just me) asks for the domain, I tell her and she says "oh yeah" in that knowing way that means our lives are a living hell.
Wait, Heidi! Porn? Nerds? Do these things go together? Oh, they do. They Do. Enter, World of Whorecraft.
But first, a little background: World of Warcraft is a videogame... what's that called? a Massively Multiplayer Online Game. I don't know, it has something to do with computers... and servers... and nerds. There are oh, 10 people in my office who play World of Warcraft, or WoW if ya nasty. On Saturdays, while Lauren is a home sleeping off her late-night blogging, I am the only a) woman, b) non-nerd, and c) non-WoW player in the office. It. Kills. Me. Ten hours of chitchat about Paladins and Blood Elves. Ten hours of Quest planning and strategizing. Ten hours of.... it's ten hours, people. Add it up. Not too long ago, however, I discovered a little foothold into the world of WoW. A little glimmering ember that drew me toward it: WoW porn. LIVE action WoW porn. It was the marriage of two horrible worlds, WoW and LARP! What makes this a suitable topic of conversation for this particular blog is what follows.
World of Whorecraft (which, I'm told by a nerd, was unauthorized and resulted in the "actress" being banned from all WoW servers) is a tale as old as time: Elf (or something) needs a new cloak (or something), doesn't have cash, must find other means of paying. Classic. Now what makes this porn viewing experience different from all other "work-related porn" (how many of you can say that?) like, say, your typical Hobo Porn (true story), is the reaction elicited by nerds. My Nerds, on this wintery Saturday, revealed something to me both endearing and terrifying. They watched, yes, but were in it not for the hot Elf ass... but rather, for the hot WoW. Take, for example, the following exchage, which took place between two specimen of nerdocity when the Elf was engaged in battle with the (come on Heidi, you know this).... Ork?:
Day, Exterior. The Elf, engaged in battle, sees the Ork-thingy approach at a bumbling lope.
Nerd 1: He's going to kick her ass.
Nerd 2: She'd better bubble up!
Heidi: What does bubble up mea....
Heidi interupted by the Elf throwing up a bubble-shaped force field, stopping the baddy in his tracks.
Aaaaaaaaand scene.
Nerd gold.

I much prefer Hobo Porn. Lauren? Can I get an amen for Hobos? In fact, I might rather have my eyes burned out of my skull by the atrocity I saw today than to ever witness The Nerd in its natural Porn-itat again. Too, too frightening.
Dear Shift Management....
ReplyDeleteHeidi, I need help, some serious, serious counseling. So after reading your hilarious yet frightening blog, I wondered, is said Hobo porn still out there? OH IT IS, it is. It's a good thing I have the day off tomorrow to recover.
ReplyDeleteAmen Hobos... amen.
Lauren, are you saying what I think you're saying? You did Not look up bumsinaction AT HOME. Dude. Intervention. Seriously.
ReplyDeleteVery Important Addendum:
ReplyDeleteWorld of Whorecraft featured a Blood Elf and an Orge... jeez, Heidi, everyone knows it's Elves vs. Orks and Blood Elves vs. OGRES.
I stand corrected... by a nerd. See what I mean?