Not all of us can be nerd geniuses, so for your reference purposes we have provided a glossary of terms we use often. Some terms will have links to the blogs that go into the subject with more detail. Study up!
Bawls: a high caffeine energy drink designed for gamers. The carbonated drink is often associated with LAN parties, and offers several flavors.
Blood Elf: one of the races in World of Warcraft. The females are known to be sexiest of them all.
Boffer: a foam or latex weapon used in larping. Usually in the form of a sword or axe, the foam allows you to beat the crap out of your enemy without causing harm.
ComicCon: a 4 day expo in San Diego dedicated to all things comic book related.
D20: a 20 sided polyhedral die used in Dungeons & Dragons. You roll a 1 and consider yourself a loser.
Draenei: a race in World of Warcraft. Often distinguishable by their large tails.
Drow: used in D&D and WoW, an evil blood elf.
Druid: a class in World of Warcraft, a shape shifting hybrid class
Dungeons & Dragons: a roleplaying game played on a grid with dice and sometimes figurines. Always played in a group and led by designated Dungeon Master
Elman: our arch nemesis. An extreme Puerto Rican nerd.
"Fail": an action that is so completely unsuccessful it just might imply awesomeness.
Fanboy: a person who is obsessed with one subject in particular. Ex. Apple Products
Halfling: humanoid race in D&D, hobbits in The Lord of the Rings
LAN: Local Area Network. LAN parties involve groups of people getting together with their computers to play multiplayer games.
LARP: Live Action Role Playing. Role playing where participants physically act out the game by dressing up and becoming the character. There are several themes such as medieval and futuristic.
Magic the Gathering: a card game where cards are collected and used in magic battles. There is now an online version.
Min-maxing: playing a game with the intent to minimize unimportant traits and maximizing desirable traits.
MMORPG: massively multiplayer online role playing game such as World of Warcraft.
Noob: a clueless newcomer to online gaming or Internet activity. Often a derogatory term.
Orc: a race in WoW and Lord of the Rings. Portrayed as warriors, sometimes evil.
Paladin: a hybrid class in WoW. Considered to be holy knights, and can provide blessings that protect other players.
Pwned: humiliation of a rival, used primarily in the Internet gaming culture to taunt an opponent who has just been soundly defeated
Stormtrooper: soldiers in Star Wars.
Troll: a race in WoW. Extremely large in size and strength.
Watchmen: a graphic novel published in the mid 1980's by DC Comics.
World of Warcraft (W0W): a fantasy MMORPG with 11.5 million monthly subscribers.