Tuesday, January 27, 2009

It's Always Time for a Beating

So yesterday my mom's house was broken into and today I have a fever of a hundred and one. I think it is high time to introduce the therapeutic exercise of beating the crap out of a kid with a pink bear.

One of Heidi and my favorite sites to ever cross our path, make sure the volume is on for this one! And then get to beating. CLICK... DOUBLE CLICK...and repeat!

I suppose the only way this virtual beatdown could get any better is through a slight edit:

Shoryuken! Uppercut! Dragon Punch! Dammit Elman, why do you look like you are posing for the cover of Playboy? I swear, you ruin everything. And Heidi, please put me out of my misery already... I just used video game terminology and subjected the entire internet to a visual of Elman in Playboy. People will be out for blood...


  1. I. Love. Lauren. Punching kids just got a whole lot more fun.

    Your fever is very clearly affecting your mental state though... Elman... Playboy... Ew. You lose. And because of that, we all lose.

  2. Steven and I punched the crap out of that kid today, Lauren. Even more than usual (and it's my homepage, so that says something).... I think it was the unbalance created in your absence. I hope you're feeling better, and I know you'll understand that it's for mostly selfish reasons. :)

  3. Awhh, well I have been beating the crap out of him here too... I will see you bright and early tomorrow morning, when the punching will undoubtedly begin again.
