Sunday, January 25, 2009

A Dungeons & Dragons Shopping List

In some of the past posts, Heidi and I have mentioned a nerd game called Dungeons & Dragons. We have also mentioned our plans to crash one of these gatherings in the very near future. Now we can't go into this ill-prepared, so I have decided to make a shopping list. Yay! Shopping!

First of all we will need a nerd manual, something to guide us through this treacherous endeavor and mentally prepare us for the atrocities we might see:

Secondly, DICE! This is two pounds of rainbow nerdiness:

D&D Larping Costume. Oh yes, we are totally rolling up in these:

D&D Figurine. Our figurine will kicks your figurine's ass...and make them feel socially awkward:
Horribly ironic t-shirt. Yeah, like this combination EVER happens:

And of course, a pair of stolen D&D fuzzy dice from Elman's desk. Sorry Elman, sacrifices must be made:

I'm sure we are probably forgetting a couple things, like a keg of Mountain Dew, Weird Al jams, and our own self respect, but hey, we're just beginners. Let the shopping begin!


  1. Note that the brand of dice is "ChesSEX".... Wishful thinking, nerds?

  2. Dammit! How did I miss THAT!? haha

  3. I'm not sure I get this blog. You're definitely huge geeks, which is cool. But then you act like all this stuff is weird and freaky and way too dorky for you. And then you do it anyway.
