Just think about it. A towel can be a blanket, twisted up it can be an ass whipping weapon, worn over one's head it can filter out nerd stink, or it can be used as a white flag when the aliens come to probe you. That's right, I just saved your life.
Just think about it. A towel can be a blanket, twisted up it can be an ass whipping weapon, worn over one's head it can filter out nerd stink, or it can be used as a white flag when the aliens come to probe you. That's right, I just saved your life.
2) A Dungeon and Dragon's Dungeon Master Outfit
Elman claims to be a Dungeon Master yet he really lacks the outfit to back it up. So in order to get his nerd legions to respect him just a smidgen more, we bestow the following:
Scratch that, this is far more applicable to the situation.
You should see Heidi feverishly knitting away, an Elman sized bag over head is no small task people.
3) Cat Love
If there is one thing you need to know about Elman, it's that he hates cats. Quite similarly with women, he just hasn't met one that doesn't go screaming around the room, trying to claw its way to an escape route. Well, have we found the cat for Elman.
Elman needs someone who will unconditionally love him besides his mother. Sure it's in exchange for food and its coming in the form of an obese cat, but beggars can't be choosers.
4) Joker Art
Each contestant is judged in three categories: beauty, talent and personality. From my research (don't you mock me), Klingons are a warrior clan and one of their many talents is being busty, as seen below. They are also complete bitches and will rip your head off just to get to that crown... although I suppose that isn't too different from beauty queens in general. When the 2007 Miss Klingon Empire was interviewed about passing on her crown she stated: “I’ll cut the head off the new winner, and then I’ll have two crowns and a trophy.” Don't mess with this lady, she has the crazy in her eyes... and is definitely going to eat that guy behind her.
Other highlights of the pageant include celebrity judges like George Takei who played Hiraku Sulu on the Star Trek television series. You'll be thrilled to know that registration is still open, and if anything, you should go just to hear the Master of Ceremonies sing "Miss Klingon" and "She's a Klingon". Or you could just watch the first 2 minutes of this video and save yourself the horror of finding yourself permanently wedged in that Klingon bosom.
I actually feel really bad making fun of this one, because he does a lot of good in his community, but sacrifices must be made. His Mexican roots will lull Elman into a false sense of security, and then BAM, swine flu will be rained upon him. Too soon? Nope, there's no time to waste in the destruction of Elman.
The World Superhero Database describes Polar Man as an unknown white man who prowls the streets shoveling elders' steps and walkways and entertaining children. You must be wondering how in the world this guy and his snow shovel might terrorize our dear Elman. Well clearly Polar Man is a serious threat to Elman's dating and social calendar. When all the geriatrics dump Elman for Polar Man, he will have no reason to go on.
Elman doesn't stand a chance against our powerful allies. If you are looking for your own vigilante, make sure to check out the Hero Database here:
USB Necktie- Not yet for sale... but don't you wish it was?
The Enigma- 64GB times 3- $10,000
USB Schlong- 1GB- $20
So in effort to understand the awe of these magical nerd pixels, I have started downloading the game. I don't know what's with these nerd games taking an eternity to download. I could have driven to the comic book store, bought a crate of real Magic cards, unwrapped them, mocked Elman and then burned the cards in the time it took for this game to finish downloading. And then this happened.
EXCUSE ME!?! I just wasted 2 hours of my nerd life so that you can be a whore and crash the first time I open you? AND THE SECOND!? Aha! Well, thankfully these developers thought ahead and put a repair button on the opening screen.
Oh NO you didn't! I have to now download six times the number of files I did the first time around? What IS this? I'm downloading Elman's nerd hobby, not his porn collection!
... ... ... still downloading ... ... ... oh, getting a little closer... ... ... oh my god, I think I died... ... ... only 10 more files to go. YES, SUCCESS! Launch program...
That's it. Review OVER. Magic the Gathering is the worst game in history. And this is my bug report: SUCK IT. This game has managed to drain my soul before I even bought one single nerd pixel. I'm sure Elman has somehow used his nerd powers to hijack my computer and block me from entering his sacred nerd land. Well you know what I say to that? I SUMMON...
The first novel is only about 140 pages long. I could certainly read that in a day if I put my mind to it. Ahem... I started this book about a month and a half ago. I had to reread the beginning because I had forgotten what happened. This actually wasn't too unfortunate because the first couple chapters are really really good. You are introduced to the two main characters, the human Arthur Dent and the alien Ford Prefect.
In fact, I thought all the characters were great, like the evil Vogon race they come across who uses recited poetry as a means of torture. This is something I can totally identity with. My downfall with the book was the plot, a good amount of the time I just had no idea what the hell was going on. I admit, I'm no genius but I understand the English language... pretty damn well. Can somebody translate this for me?
"The principle of generating small amounts of finite improbability by simply hooking the logic circuits of a Bambleweeny 57 Sub-Meson Brain to an atomic vector plotter suspended in a strong Brownian Motion producer (say a nice hot cup of tea) were of course well understood-- and such generators were often used to break the ice at parties by making all the molecules in the hostess's undergarments leap simultaneously one foot to the left, in accordance with the Theory of Indeterminacy."HUH!? First of all, could that sentence BE any longer? And what's with the tea? Crazy British bastards. You're probably thinking this would make sense if given in context, but no, not really. The context is Arthur and Ford were saved from imminent death by some infinitely improbable ship, and this only happened because of some horrible physics explanation. Did I mention I HATE physics? There is no wonder this book makes me feel nauseous, it teleports me back to high school physics class when I sat there with the same blank look I had while reading this book.
Example 1: Jesus is a nerd AND skipped Easter to go to Sakura-Con? The Apocalypse is truly nigh.
Japanese culture is a very popular theme, and anime and manga provide infinite character inspiration... none of which I know, because we just haven't delved into that insanity yet. And finally, there are literally like a hundred of these Con's around the country where all the cosplay nerds flock to exhibit their hard work. And no, I'm not even mocking here, the time and money put into some of these costumes is quite amazing. Last weekend's Sakura-Con was Seattle's big convention, and just because I enjoy them SO much, and I am already planning the 2 Girls 1 Larp maiden cosplay adventure for next year, here are some more examples:
Make sure to check out the Black Nerd's website where he has videos, a blog and even movie reviews. He may have turned into a full blown nerd but at least he's entertaining, which is more than I can say for some nerds. Yes Elman, I'm looking at you.
I haven't made Easter eggs in oh, about five years, but this opportunity wasn't one to be passed up. A Star Wars tie fighter made out of a hard boiled egg? CHECK!
Egg Tie Fighter
Real Tie Fighter
In addition, I am very concerned that tomorrow morning when my roommate opens the refrigerator to make breakfast, that she will one, be terrified by the dairy Imperial starfighter battling the cottage cheese and two, be even more terrified to realize that she is living with someone with full-blown closet nerditis. Then again, how can you not be proud to be associated with the genius (ME) who created these Easter specimens. I have no doubt that the Geekster Bunny is dying his Imperial Egg arsenal as we speak.
When we arrived, we were surprised how normal this promised land appeared wedged within a run of the mill strip mall. But then we stepped inside...
OH MY GOD, WE HIT THE MOTHERLOAD!! From floor to ceiling, we were bombarded with action figure, comic book and graphic novel goodness. To the left, Star Wars comics, to the right, Watchmen barbie, and straight ahead, the key to my heart.
I have no qualms in admitting I'm a Buffy the Vampire Slayer fangirl. But little did I know there is a massive comic book series that continues where the show left off. You may now congratulate me on my first ever comic book purchase. I chose carefully, because I know this sucker is going to be worth millions in a few years. Look at the detail in those Pomeranians. Unfortunately it took me about 2 minutes in the car to rip that plastic sleeve right off and ravage those colorful Buffy filled pages. Also included in my purchase were two beautiful D&D dice. Heidi, do you think it would be too much to turn these into earrings? Elman would be SO jealous.
And just when I thought my shopping spree had ended, the Star Wars PocketModel Trading Card Game caught my eye. Whilst also intrigued by the stack of Magic Cards, these unknown cards screamed for more research. Alright, I will fess up, it was Hayden Christiansen on the front that really made the sale. But best of all, when I got home I realized not only were there nerd cards, but also a little ship building kit. Hell yes I was excited, look at my wonderful creations.